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Cast A Spell

Cast A Spell

How To Cast A Spell

Do you want to cast a spell? We have all wanted to have the capability to influence the world in a supernatural way. Although science has never found evidence to support the effectiveness of spells and magic, many practitioners of Wicca, witchcraft along with other occult arts believe that spells can exploit invisible forces to fulfill wishes.

Why Cast A Spell?

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How To Cast A Spell For Beginners

Spells combine symbolism, special materials, verbal incantations, the positioning of heavenly bodies, concentration and faith in rituals to transform your will in reality.

Purify yourself before any spell. Before trying to perform magic, you should get into the right frame of both mind and body and cleanse away any doubt, demons or spiritual impurities that might distract you or make the spell go awry

How To Cast A Spell On Yourself

Take a long bath, getting your skin completely clean and soaking the tension of our your muscles. Dress appropriately. You’re asking the divine forces for a favor, so try to dress with a certain amount of reverence. Do some fundamental deep breathing to enhance your focus and discard distracting desires.

Anoint yourself with the good oils. Different essential oils may be used for various purposes, so if you like to find more than one which seems appropriate and dab a little with your fingers on your forehead, and maybe your hands, hair, face, and chest as well.

How To Cast A Spell At Home

cast a spell

Purify your Home.
Visualize negative and deflecting energies dispersing as you clean. When your house is clean physically, purify it spiritually by burning some incense, sprinkling some salt water or holy water, or playing a few clear notes on a musical instrument. 3 Adjust the circle or altar. You’ll need a consecrated space to perform your ritual.

Contact Us

While we strive to make spell-casting as simple as possible, we understand it can still be Frustrating. If you would rather have us cast a spell for you.

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