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Spells That Work Fast

Spell For Peaceful Home

Do you want a spell for peaceful home to protect you and your loved ones? Using a simple spell for a peaceful home is just the right choice you can ever make. At home spells to protect yourself from negative vibes sent your way.

Accordingly, You can also protect yourselves from those who put dark magic spells on your home’s serenity.

Peaceful Home Using A Talisman

Similarly, Happy Home Spell is one of the most basic and easiest to perform among simple protection spells.  You need to buy or make an item to display in your home to act as a talisman and charge your home with positive energy.

Either this could be a painting, statue, ornamental plaque, wreath, dream catcher or possibly anything!

Also, Give some thought to what you want to use. Use something that you would especially love to display and it could be anything at all, even as simple as a Picture.

spell for peaceful home

Certainly, This talisman will need to go up on your doorway and will be charged with any from a range of simple spell for peaceful home.

Spell For Peaceful Home

Therefore, For this spell for peaceful home, choose 3 dried herbs and any amount of special stones.  Likewise, These stones can preferably be Gold Pyrite, Malachite, Cat’s Eye, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz, Amber, Flint, Beryl or Bloodstone. The advised ranges of herbs to choose from are Flax, Cumin, Cinquefoil, Black Pepper, Angelica or Broom.

Once these are collected, place a decent amount of the pair into a mortar and pestle. Grind both of the ingredients to form a smooth salt and pour the mixture into a pouch.

Next, use a permanent marker to draw 3 large X figures on it.

Spell For Peaceful Home Chant

Now recite the following words of power onto the pouch;

This dwelling is never empty,

Though I be not at home;

I leave behind a talisman

To protect it while I roam.

No intruder great or small

May gain entry past this line;

Protected, sealed, and warded,

By my will, safety be mine

I finish this charm with harm to none;

By herb and stone, this spell is done

Once you are done reciting the spell for peaceful home, sprinkle the mixture clockwise onto your ornament of choice and hang it onto the entrance of your sanctuary. Now your abode is a blessed space.

Contact Us For Spell-Casting

We come from a long line of African spiritualists renowned for spell for peaceful home.

Our team can help you with the help of our ancestral master-spirit to attain your desires:


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 Call /Text /WhatsApp +27742932911


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